

Banner Aigua - Medi Ambient

Mallorca's water reserves are limited. The lifestyle adopted by our society has steered us towards a level of water consumption that, in many cases, has resulted in excessive demand, a fact that has created supply problems that must be taken into consideration in addition to other effects that may, to a greater or lesser degree, be related, such as droughts and the over-exploitation of water tables and resources.

As both the island's capital and an important tourism destination, Palma has a very high water consumption level - one that represents 50% of the consumption of the island as a whole. For this reason, and in order to be able to enjoy a water supply that both meets our requirements and is respectful of the environment, we promote and support all measures that encourage responsible water usage.

Along these lines the local Department of Ecology, Agriculture and Animal Wellbeing has coordinated the following actions:

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Date last modified: May 30, 2023