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The Verge de Lluc district has improved its communal outdoor areas and accessibility

February 10, 2010

  • Much greener: The district has increased the number of trees from 122 to 160
  • More parking space: The redistribution of the car-parks has increased the number of parking places from 335 to 378
  • The Department for Housing granted subsidies amounting to more than 260,500€ for the refurbishment of façades and communal elements

The Verge de Lluc district has improved its communal outdoor areas and accessibility

The Verge de Lluc district has carried out several comprehensive urban improvement measures that have turned the district into a friendlier, greener and more accessible area. The network of basic services has been improved in such a way as to meet the needs of the residents, such as improvements in the public lighting, in the drainage system, in the signposting and by planting of more trees, as well as several actions aimed at improving the mobility and the elimination of architectural barriers.

The project's budget amounted to 1,758,146.97 euros (VAT included) and has been financed by the State Fund for Local Investment (Plan E). The project generated jobs for 27 people and was executed within 8 months.

The Verge de Lluc district has improved its communal outdoor areas and accessibility

Scope of action

Surface: 9,400 m2.

Roads ¿ C/ Greco, C/ So na Dolça, C/ Moreneta, C/ Goya, C/ Urà, C/ Cardenal Cisneros and C/ Juan de la Cierva.

Main actions

- Laying external wires underground : The visible public wiring, both the wires running along the buildings' façades as well as the wires running along the passageway between buildings, was laid underground.

- Improvement of communal outdoor areas: New pavements, new urban furniture and planting of trees. Besides, an irrigation system has been implemented in public gardens and parks taking into account water-saving measures.

The Departament for Infrastructures possesses a catalogue that provides a detailed overview of every single tree in the area. Hence, the final outcome of the works show an increase from 122 trees (at the beginning of the works) to a total of 160 trees after completion of the works, i.e. 38 trees more.

- 43 more parking places: The works conducted on the existing roads within the district were aimed at clearly differentiating the vehicle traffic areas, the pedestrian areas and the parking spaces. The parking areas have been redistributed and regulated, thereby increasing the number of existing parking places from 335 to 378 parking places. Besides, these measures have allowed for the creation of additional promenading space, more space for trees and new pavements.

- Elimination of architectural barriers: On the roads and communal areas affected by these measures. The project meets the requirements detected during the analysis of the several types of roads and considers the needs of the people living in the district. Hence, three different road types may be defined: V1, V2, V3 :

V1 . Roads for vehicle traffic

Scope of action : C/ Greco, C/ So Na Dolça.

V2 . Roads restricting the vehicle traffic and roads with speed limits

Scope of action : C/ Moreneta and C/ Goya.

V3 . Pedestrian areas and squares

Scope of action : C/ Cardenal Cisneros (main promenade), C/ Juan de la Cierva, C/ Urà

The Verge de Lluc district has improved its communal outdoor areas and accessibility

- Programme of subsidies granted for the refurbishment of the Verge de Lluc district. This project has been enhanced by a programme of subsidies managed by the Municipal Housing Patronage and granted to condominium owners' associations for the refurbishment of façades. The subsidies covered 80% of the total refurbishment expenses. Throughout the year 2009, these subsidies resulted in a municipal investment exceeding 260.500€, an amount that has allowed for the development of improvement measures in 19 condominium owners' associations.

The Verge de Lluc district has improved its communal outdoor areas and accessibility

Date last modified: May 2, 2023