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Jacint Verdaguer Project Contest

The jury of the Project Contest, together with the support of the team responsible for the refurbishment of the C/ Jacint Verdaguer and of the extension of the area until the Son Fuster industrial estate, gathered on 14th July 2008 and agreed unanimously to select the projects submitted by the following professionals or teams to take part in the project:

1. María Isabel Bennàsar Félix
2. Team Albert Viaplana i Vea and others
3. Imma Jansana Ferrer (Environmental Engineering Workshop)
4. Arriola & Fiol, Architects

Department for Infrastructures - Town Council of Palma
Camí dels Reis, number 400
07120 Palma

Tel:  971 764 800
Fax: 971 764 810

Name: Resolution regarding the selection of the professionals or teams that will be taking part in the contest

Date last modified: June 23, 2021