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At the height of km 21 we will find, on our left, Can Gordiola, glass factory and museum that is worthwhile a visit. Three kilometers further on, we will find the village of Algaida  It is worthwhile visiting the Sant Pere and Sant Pau parish church, as well as the municipality's crosses (Massot cross, the Hostal d'en Gi or Traginers cross, the Colomer cross, the Binicomprat cross, the Can Vicó cross).

We continue our trip until reaching Manacor,, second biggest city of the island. Manacor is well known for its leather handicrafts, pearls and its furniture industry (please see the chapter about handicrafts). Its historic centre is worthwile a visit. The Sant Vicenç Ferrer cloister is a real beauty. It dates back to the XVIIth century and is one of the few cloisters that are feature a double gallery. This cloister was declared national monument in the year 1919. The Nostra Senyora dels Dolors church, that dates back to the XIXth century and shows a clear Gothic style, was built on top of older churches, the oldest of which dates back to the year 1232. The bell tower, the highest building in Manacor. The palace tower, built in the XIIth century is the remainings of the Royal Palace, temporary residence of the kings of Mallorca. The Enagistes tower was built for defense purposes, as was typical during the XIVth century. Nowadays, the tower hosts the history museum of Manacor, featuring an important archeological and ethnological collection. As we drive out of Manacor in direction Sant Llorenç, we come across Son Peretó, Paleochristian findings that date back to the Vth century BC.

After visiting Manacor, we continue driving along the road until reaching Porto Cristo. Porto Cristo is mainly famous due to the Hams Caves and to the Drac Caves. All caves found in this area are between 40 and 50 million years old.

The Hams Caves, discovered in the year 1905, are well-known for their interesting characteristics and their tree-like columns.

The Drac Caves, in fact the best known of all, were explored for the first time in the year 1878. The total route inside the Drac Caves is 1,700 metres long. However, nowadays, only 1 km can be visited. The stalactites and stalagmites are really impressive. During the tour, you will be able to visit the Martel lake(considered to be one of the major subterranean lakes within Europe)

Once in Porto Cristo, you are welcome to visit the Aquarium of Mallorca.

If the weather allows, we may visit the beaches nearby, such as S'Illot, Cala Anguila, Cala Mendia or Cales de Mallorca.

On the way to Artà, just a few kilometres from Manacor away, you will find an Autosafari.

Upon arrival in Artà we must visit Sant Salvador: a collection of arquitectural, walled findings, that can be accessed after climbing long stairs. The view from up above is beautiful. In Artà you will be able to find the Transfiguració parish church, of gothic style and with a single nave with a groined vault ceiling. Even though its construction began at the end of the XVIth century, the termination of the works was delayed until the beginning of the XVIIth century. However, it was not until the year 1816 that the church was actually completely finished.

At this point we wish to highlight the importance of visiting Ses Païsses, a site that dates back to the Talaiotic era. You may access it by foot, since it is just 1 km away from the city centre.

By taking a small detour that becomes visible as we leave the village, we head towards the Artà Caves, approximately 8 km away. The entrance to the caves is a show. These caves were discovered in the year 1806 by Joan Garau i Serra.

To end our tour, we head towards Cala Rajada. Cala Rajada used to be an old fishing village, but nowadays is a huge touristic centre. If you visit it during the summer, we highly recommend you to visit the beaches nearby.

The tour can be made by car, by participating at an excursion organised by a travel agency or by using public transport. If you choose the latter, it will only provide you with a limited tour. If you choose to make the tour by using public transport, please visit the section on this website called "transports on the island".

Duration of the excursion: all day, including the breaks.

Total distance covered: 180.8 km from which:
Palma-Algaida, 24.2 km
Algaida- Manacor, 32.5 km
Manacor-Porto Cristo, 12.1 km
Porto Cristo-Artà, 23.4 km
Artà- Cala Rajada, 10.7 km
Cala Rajada-Palma, 77.9 km


    Glass Museum
    Tel. 971 665 046
    Opening hours:
    Between April and October, from 9:00 hours until 19:30 hours.
    From November until March, from 9:00 hours until 19:00 hours.
    On Sundays and public holidays, between 9:00 hours and 13:00 hours
    Archeological Museum
    Tel. 971 843 065
    Opening hours:
    Mondays to Fridays, between 10:00 hours and 14:00 hours.
    Tel. 971 820 988
    Opening hours:
    From April until October, between 10:00 hours and 18:00 hours.
    From November until March, between 10:30 hours and 17:00 hours.
    Tel. 971 820 753
    Opening hours:
    From April until October, open every day, visits at 10:00 hours, 11:00 hours, 12:00 hours, 14:00 hours, 15:00 hours, 16:00 hours and at 17:00 hours.
    From November until March, open every day, visits at 10:45 hours, 12:00 hours, 14:00 hours and 15:30 hours.
    Tel. 971 440 000
    From April until October, open every day between 10:30 hours until 18:00 hours.
    From November until March, open every day between 11:00 hours until 15:00 hours.
    Tel. 971 810 909
    From April until September, open every day between 9:00 hours until 19:00 hours.
    From October until March, open every day between 9:00 hours until 17:00 hours.
    Tel. 971 841 293
    From July to September, open every day between 10:00 hours and 19:00 hours.
    From October to June, open every day between 10:00 hours and 17:00 hours.
    Tel. 619 070 010
    From November to March, between 10:00 hours until 18:00 hours
    From April to October, between 10:00 hours until 19:30 hours.

Date last modified: March 13, 2023